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Professor and Head,Department of Media and Communication - Rahul Puri Professor and Programme Head,Department of Media and Communication - Laili Dutta Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Chaitanya Chinchlikar Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Dr. Meenakshi Upadhyay Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Kapil Tandon Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Laili Dutta Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Milind Dedhia Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Preeti Kamani Professor,Department of Media and Communication - R. Swaminathan Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Rani Rohra Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Ravi Gupta Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Shebany Moro Professor,Department of Media and Communication - Soumya Dipta Banerjee