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Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering - Dr. Jessy Rooby Professor and Dean, Department of Architecture - Dr. Ravi Kumar Bhargava Professor, Department of Automobile Engineering - Dr. R. Hendry Xavier Professor and Dean, Department of Mechanical Engineering - Dr. S. Darius Gnanaraj Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering - Dr. V. Ravikumar Senior Professor and Dean, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Dr. A. Edgar Ruskin Frank Senior Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Dr. Dilip A Shah Professor and Dean, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering - Dr. N. Vasudevan Professor and Head, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering - Dr. Uppu Ramachandraiah Professor and Registrar, Department of Management Studies - Dr. Pon. Ramalingam Professor and Dean, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Dr. Venkata Subramanian Professor, Department of Computer Applications - Dr. A. Udayakumar Professor, Department of Information Technology - Dr. K. Ramesh Kumar Professor and Dean, Department of Science and Humanities - Dr. A. Praveen Prakash Professor and Head, Department of Fashion Design and Arts - Dr. F. Afrose Fathima Professor and Chief Librarian, Department of Library - Dr. M. Veerachamy