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Professor, Department of Prosthodontics Crown Bridge - Dr.P.C.Jacob Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry Endodontic - Dr.Rajeev.S Professor, Department of Periodontology - Dr.Joann Pauline Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Dr.Vivek Ranjan Reader, Department of Orthodontics Dentofacial Orthopaedic - Dr.Balamohan S Shetty Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine Radiology - Dr.Pushpaveni Gopal Professor, Department of Pedodontics Preventive Dentistry - Dr.Deepak Viswanath Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry - Dr.Madhusudan K S Reader, Department of Oral Maxillofacial Pathology Microbiology - Dr.Paremala Kristam Lecturer, Department of Genl. Anatomy - Dr Shilpa K C Lecturer, Department of Physiology and Biochemistry - Ms Rajila Reader, Department of Gen. Pathology Microbiology - Dr Sujatha R Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology - Dr Revanna Swamy Professor and Head, Department of Genl. Medicine - Dr Shankar Kumar Professor, Department of Gen. Surgery - Dr M B Jayaram