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Professor, Deparrtment of Anatomy - Dr. Sudeshna Majumdar Associate Professor, Department of Physiology - Dr. Arabinda Roy Professo, Department of Biochemistry - Dr. Mita Saha Professor, Department of Pathlology - Dr. Sarbani Chattopadyay Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology - Dr. Anupam Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of MIcrobiology - Dr. Sanjay Mallick Professor, Department of Forensic Medicie and Toxicology - Dr. Tapas Kumar Bose Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine - Dr. Sucharita Maji Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology - Dr. Uday Aditya Mukherjee Professor, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat - Dr. Dwijendra M Munshi Professor, Department of General Medicine - Dr. Sanjay Chatterjee Professor, Department of Paediatric Medicine - Dr. Ashok K Monda