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Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Mr. Devender Vashisth Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering - Mr. Himanshu Kaushik Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Communication Engineering - Mr. Rahul Phalaswal Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering - Mr. Manoj Bansal Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering - Mr. Saurabh Rohilla Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering - Mr. Ajay Kumar Ruhil Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Science - Ms. Manish Theunia Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering - Mr. Ravinder Panwar Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering - Mr. Naveen Kaushik Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering - Mr. Ajay Jangra Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering - Mr. Ajay Jangra